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Working Example

For a full working code example covering all the concepts described below, see

Resources are ephemeral entities whose lifecycle is managed as part of a sandbox. Resources are typically used to isolate sandbox environments when there are stateful components involved like databases and message queues. A resource does not necessarily represent physical infrastructure. For example:

  • A resource can represent an ephemeral MySQL StatefulSet within your Kubernetes cluster
  • A resource can represent an ephemeral schema within an Amazon RDS cluster
  • A resource can represent an ephemeral topic within RabbitMQ / Kafka.

As a user of resources, there is a high level interface provided via the Signadot APIs that can be used to both request resources and associate them with forked workloads running within your sandbox.

Creating and Deleting Resources

Resource creation and deletion is managed by a Resource Plugin. Each resource plugin can be thought of as a piece of infrastructure that is responsible for managing that specific type of resource. Resource Plugins are installed using the signadot CLI.

Once a resource plugin is installed, it can be referenced by a sandbox during creation. When this is done, the create workflow of the resource plugin is invoked to stand up the resource. When the sandbox is deleted, the corresponding delete workflow is called that in turn destroys the ephemeral resource that was created.


For example, a sandbox that requests a maria-db resource in order to set up an isolated dependency for a customer microservice is shown below. In this cluster, it is assumed that there is a Resource Plugin called hotrod-mariadb installed which will be used to provision and deprovision the maria-db resource.

# customer-sandbox.yaml
# usage: signadot sandbox apply -f customer-sandbox.yaml
name: customer
cluster: ...
- name: customerdb
plugin: hotrod-mariadb
dbname: customer
kind: Deployment
namespace: hotrod
name: customer
- name: MYSQL_HOST # set MYSQL_HOST to that provided by the plugin
name: customerdb
- name: MYSQL_PORT
name: provision.customerdb
outputKey: port
name: customerdb
outputKey: provision.root-password

There are some input parameters that the Resource Plugin's provision workflow takes in order to set up the ephemeral resource. In the above case, the resource request is specified in the call to create a sandbox which specifies that the hotrod-mariadb plugin must be used, and passes the input parameter dbname with value customer to it.

Once the ephemeral resource has been set up, the "outputs" are typically things like the credentials required to access that resource. These outputs are available as special environment variables that can be supplied to any of the forks within the Sandbox as shown above. By making use of these credentials, the workload within the sandbox can connect to the isolated ephemeral resource in place of a shared entity that may be in the baseline environment. The inputs and outputs associated with each Resource Plugin are specific to them and typically documented in the description of the plugin that is available via the Signadot Dashboard.