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The Signadot platform consists of three high-level components:

  • Signadot Control Plane hosted by Signadot. Shown below on the left, it provides the APIs and interfaces to create Sandboxes, and is used to serve Endpoint URLs that are used to access sandboxes.
  • Signadot Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that installs into your cluster. This is depicted on the right hand side of the diagram below and is responsible for all the in-cluster operations such as creating forked workloads associated with a sandbox, in-cluster routing, and managing resources associated with sandboxes.
  • Signadot CLI is a command line tool which enables local Sandboxes and acts as a client of the Signadot Control Plane, allowing manipulation of Control Plane entities such as Sandboxes and Clusters.


The connection between the Signadot Control Plane and the Signadot Operator is established over a secure tunnel when the Signadot Operator is installed. The connection between the Signadot CLI and the operator by default operates using Kubernetes port-forward. To learn more about each component and its internal workings, visit the following documentation: