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In this guide, we will cover general instructions for how you can set up the infrastructure necessary to create Sandboxes, Route Groups and run Jobs with your CI/CD system.

There are detailed guides that explain how to integrate Signadot with different CI/CD systems:

If your system is not listed above, you can use the general instructions below to integrate Signadot with your custom system as well.


Before you start with the integration of Signadot with your CI/CD pipeline, you must have a specification file for the Sandbox, Route Group or Job stored either in git, or creating dynamically in your pipeline itself depending on the use case.

Set up Sandboxes in your CI/CD pipeline

You can find an example of a sandbox template here.

The CI system can fill in the values in the template dynamically based on the service that is calling it. For example, the image that is built for the PR will be used to create the sandbox.

Once the PR is closed, the sandbox can be torn down. This can be done using the Signadot CLI. Alternatively, you can set a Time To Live (TTL) for the sandbox. Once the TTL expires, the sandbox will be automatically deleted. You can find more information on setting the TTL in the TTL documentation.